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Smoothing Your Transition to Retirement
Retire Federal offers many ways to help you plan your retirement. We're providing one-on-one individual counseling with a seasoned retirement benefits subject matter expert. In addition, we now provide engaging online training opportunities on specific retirement topics where you can ask your questions! As always, Tammy Flanagan, provides weekly retirement updates in her Retirement Planning column features on
Comprehensive Retirement Counseling
Retire Federal provides subject matter experts who will guide you through the steps to a smooth retirement transition. We have added a new service called "Final Steps to Retirement" which provides assistance with last minute decisions and completing the forms needed to begin the retirement process.
Upcoming Online Training with Live Q & A
Attend online training through the NARFE Federal Benefits Instituteand also Plan Your Federal Retirement
What's New in Retirement
Secure Act changes Required Minimum Distribution age to 72 among other things affecting retirement savings.
2020 Social Security Update . Maximum taxable wage base increases to $137,700 and Earning Limit for those under the Full Retirement Age or those receiving the FERS supplement increased to $18,240
I am a federal employee with 25 years of service in the FERS system. I have the service years required to retire but not the age. I have another seven years( born 1969) until I reach my minimum retirement age (MRA - 56 & 10 months). I have been thinking about leaving the federal government to pursue other interests. What options do I have in my case?

If you leave prior to meeting the age requirement for an immediate retirement, then you would be eligible for a deferred retirement benefit. Here is a reference for you:
Leaving Government Now and Taking Retirement Later
Not all federal employees retire from federal service. Some work in government for several years, but leave before they're eligible for immediate retirement benefits. Under the Federal Employees Retirement System, those who have at least five...
Your 2020 Financial To-Do List
I've always loved making to-do lists. Even if my to-dos are a bit overwhelming, the act of writing them down imparts a sense of "You've got this!" But it wasn't until I took a class with a time-management specialist that I learned how to make...
Leaving Early
According to the Office of Personnel Management, more than 5,000 federal employees resign every month. If you've considered leaving your job before you're eligible to retire, have you considered what benefits you will take along? Retirement...
Medicare & You
Get "Medicare & You" in different formats Download "Medicare & You"
The Missing Keys to the TSP
02/26/20 12:00pm - 02/26/201:30pm
One hour webinar with Micah Shilanski and Tammy Flanagan to learn more about managing your TSP with taxes and distributions in mind.

We are always looking for good resources for federal employees who are planning their retirement. Everyone wants a smooth transition and a happy and rewarding next chapter. Here are two books recommended by Herb Casey, one of our new retirement subject matter experts who is available for your one-on-one retirement consultation.

Retire Smart, Retire Happy: Finding Your True Path in Life Shared via Kindle. Description: Most of us look forward to our retirement from full-time work, eagerly anticipating more free time and opportunities to play. But the reality of retirement can be different and hard to adjust to. Unexpected... Read more

Transitions: Making Sense Of Life's Changes
Shared via Kindle. Description: The best-selling guide for coping with changes in life and work, named one of the 50 all-time best books in self-help and personal development Whether you choose it or it is thrust upon you, change brings both...
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Subject Matter Experts All of the training from Retire Federal is conducted by seasoned federal benefits experts who have many years of experience assisting federal employees like you. Meet Our Team