November 11th, 2024 through December 9th, 2024

Another Open Season Is On The Way!
Time for an Insurance Check Up!
Retire Federal offers personal fee-for-service consulting for civilian federal employees and retirees during the annual insurance open season (and throughout the year). We work with employees and retirees to help choose the best Federal Employees Health Benefit Plan and coordinate coverage for the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Supplemental plans (FEDVIP). We are experts in understanding the coordinating between FEHB, Medicare and Tricare for Life (TFL). We can help you figure out the best combination once you reach age 65. You can receive a one-on-one consultation online or by phone. We have limited appointment times available during the open season.
Contact us now for an appointment!

Here are some suggested "To-Do's"
to prepare you for Open Enrollment Season:

Retire Federal will help you analyze and narrow down your choices with guidance for choosing the best health plans for you and your family as well as plans that coordinate best with Medicare.
We provide one-on-one counseling for federal employees and retirees that includes a one-on-one telephone consult as well as written guidance for your specific situation.