Personalized Federal Employee
Retirement Training And Counseling
Retire Federal provides insightful guidance and training on federal benefits to assist civilian federal employees as they plan for their future. Tammy and her team also provide assistance to financial planners who have federal employee and retiree clients. We have provided assistance to financial planning clients to bridge the knowledge between federal benefits and financial planning. Tammy believes that proper financial planning requires a good foundation of knowledge about the federal benefits package. Her 36+ years of experience will provide clarity and understanding to the complicated retirement planning decisions that federal employees must make as they move through the various stages of retirement planning. Tammy has comprehensive knowledge and resources of the various retirement benefits as they relate to your personal needs and she offers her service through one-on-one consulting and informational webinars and training seminars. Now is the time to take charge of your retirement, now is the time to email Retire Federal.
Federal employees benefit from a generous benefits package; however, you may not know the right questions to ask, or understand the convoluted explanations typically offered with your retirement planning. We will take the time to review your benefits in plain English, not the bureaucratic language and acronyms typically found on most government documents. We offer sensitive, professional and knowledgeable benefits training and guidance to ensure you understand and receive the retirement benefits that you have earned and that you deserve from your federal service.
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Access The Resources To Make
The Best Decision For You!
We recognize the decisions that federal employee face regarding their retirement and insurance benefits can be confusing, to say the least.
Contact us today to start planning for your future with RetireFederal.com.
Consulting, Webinars and Training
You may engage with an experienced retirement benefits expert at Retire Federal to receive one-on-one retirement counseling to help prepare for a smooth transition from employee to retiree. One of our subject matter experts will review your service history and specific questions and concerns prior to meeting with you online, in person or over the phone. We will take the time necessary to discuss and clearly explain your retirement benefits to you as well as to your spouse or partner. Tammy Flanagan, retirement specialist, has produced a variety of webinars covering a wide range of topics, such as the basics of the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS), Strategies for Social Security, understanding the relationship between Medicare and federal health insurance and many more. As Senior Benefits Director at the National Institute for Transition Planning, Tammy Flanagan conducted thousands of live presentations and is available to provide benefits training for your agency.