Marc Levine
Estate Planning in the Washington, DC Area
For the past twenty years, the attorneys at Handler & Levine, LLC have helped federal government employees plan for their families and for their retirement by participating in pre-retirement seminars geared to the particular needs of federal employees. In the course of providing the estate planning section of the federal retirement seminars throughout the DC Metro area, the country and even overseas, we have taught thousands of federal employees. As a result, we have represented many in doing their estate planning.
In the course of teaching at over 50 different agencies, and working with thousands of federal employees in doing their estate planning, we have become very familiar with the estate planning needs of current and retired federal employees. Special care is taken with members of the intelligence communities to ensure their specific needs are met.
We have served federal employees in Washington, D.C. Metropolitan area from our offices in Bethesda, Maryland and Northern Virginia for over two decades. We look forward to the opportunity to assist you with your estate planning needs.